
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno is an American late-night talk and comedy show and hosted by Jay Leno that initially aired from May 25, 1992 to May 29, 2009, and resumed production on March 1, 2010. It aired from September 14, 2009 to February 9, 2010 on NBC.

January 8, 2009[]

Lady Gaga played a rock rendition of "Just Dance" with a live band with backing vocalists (including Monet Monico). She didn't have any shoes on because someone stole them or she lost them.

  1. "Just Dance" (Rock version)
Lady Gaga wears her origami dress, the disco gloves, and sunglasses by Haus of Gaga, and tights and jazz shoes by Capezio.

November 23, 2009[]

During the interview segment of the show, Gaga was asked about the issue of illegibility to receive a nomination for "Best New Artist", because "Just Dance" was nominated in 2009. Neil Portnow, Grammy president, told Entertainment Weekly that they were considering bending the rules so Gaga would have a chance at the award, however, an official spokeswoman for the Recording Academy told the Los Angeles Times that the ballots had already been tallied for the event, and the nominees were ready to be announced. Although Gaga wasn't able to be nominated for the award, she mentioned that she will always remember her mother attempting to bend the rules for her.

I'll tell you the biggest reward for me has been my fans, […] I truthfully don't rely on that outside validation. My fans are my family now, and really what I care about is what they think.

—Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga wears an outfit by Bernard Chandran, and boots by Pleaser.

For the performance segment, Gaga performed "Bad Romance", and was seen wearing a pair of black sunglasses and a black jacket. The all male backup-dancers were wearing black suits and S&M headgears. The performance starts off with an A cappella rendition, then the instruments start, with choreography mirroring that of the music video. During the performance, the dancers removed Lady Gaga's jacket after the first chorus for more mobility.

  1. "Bad Romance"
Lady Gaga wears a custom hunchback jacket by Zaldy.

February 14, 2011[]

Lady Gaga appeared on the show, however, there was no performance, just an interview which included an appearence Colombian Actress Sofia Vergara.

Lady Gaga wears a jacket by Alex Noble for Mugler, shoes by Mugler, and a mask by Nasir Mazhar.

