The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society, television and many aspects of the human condition.
S21 E21: "Moe Letter Blues"
"Just Dance" was played during the game Dance Dance Evolution by Zii.
S22 E14: "Angry Dad: The Movie"
Gaga first appeared on the show when she accompanied Elton John, walking on the Red Carpet and in a dinner of Golden Globe Awards.
S22 E20: "Homer Scissorhands"
She was then mentioned by Manjula, who reveals that she is jealous of her because Apu pays more attention to Gaga.
S22 E22- "The Ned-liest Catch"
The girls basketball team is called "Lady Pumas" parody of Lady Gaga.
S23 E22: "Lisa Goes Gaga"
- Main article: Lisa Goes Gaga (The Simpsons episode)
Gaga appears as a guest spot in the episode.
S28 E20: "Looking for Mr. Goodbart"
An archive image of Gaga in a concert from "Lisa Goes Gaga" was seen in the couch gag.
S30 E20: "I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'oh"
A portrait of Gaga was on the wall of The Penny Loafer restaurant.
S32 E1: "Undercover Burns"
Marge mentions Lady Gaga inspiring Lisa then leaving town.
S32 E14: "Yokel Hero"
Homer asked Cletus if he had seen A Star Is Born with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. Portrait of Gaga can be seen on the Slick manager's wall of fame.
S32 E17: "Uncut Femmes"
A picture of Gaga can be seen when Marge tells Homer that she has firm commitments from several "A-level gays".
S34 E16: "Hostile Kirk Place"
The events in "Lisa Goes Gaga" and Marge vs. the Monorail are mentioned by Gloria Prince.
S34 E22: "Homer's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass"
An archive image of Gaga from "Lisa Goes Gaga" was seen in the couch gag.
S36 E01: "Bart's Birthday"
Gaga as she is seen on the"Lisa Goes Gaga" episode, was seen in crowd at the Dolby-Mucinex Theatre.
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