
These are the backdrops that are use for The Monster Ball Tour. They are shown on screen at the back when Lady Gaga is performing.

(2009-2010) North America[]




There is no backdrop during this song.




There is no backdrop during this song.

(2010-2011) Arena[]

Act 1: (New York) City[]

There is no backdrop during this song, but the screen splits, and horizontal lights are used to illuminate the stage.

There is no backdrop during this song.

Act 2: (New York City) Subway[]

There is no backdrop during this song, but the subway is present at the back of the stage.

The screen also splits and horizontal lights are used on the back of the stage.

There is no backdrop during this song, but the screen splits, and horizontal lights are used to illuminate the stage.

There is no backdrop during this song, but live footage while Gaga is singing is shown in the projector screen.

Act 3: (Central Park) Forest[]

This backdrop is the same as the Raven Film, but colored in sea-green instead of red.

There is no backdrop during this song, but live footage while Gaga is singing is shown in the projector screen.

  • If she had a show without a runway she uses the old backdrop.

Act 4: Monster Ball[]

There is no backdrop during this song, but the Angler Fish is present at the back of the stage.
