The Lady and the Legend is an upcoming 2 hours documentary by Jennifer Lebeau about the friendship and musical partnership between American singers Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. Following Tonny passing in July of 2023, the documentary was revealed and announced to be simulcasted on Paramount+ in September of 2023. The documentary will be released on December 12, 2023.
”What’s great about the doc that we met Gaga at a time when she was not feeling great about things — you know, “ARTPOP” and splitting up with Troy (Carter), her former manager), and she was doubting herself. And you watch Tony nurturing her, and telling her to move straight ahead and believe in herself. And then all of a sudden at the end, she is supporting him. It’s a full circle and it’s beautiful.” - Danny Bennett to Variety (July 24, 2023)
In an interview with Forbes in July of 2023, Danny revealed that Gaga had qualms about the documentary. Director Jennifer Lebeau previously produced the 2012 documentary The Zen of Bennett. She was also the producer of One Last Time: An Evening with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga (2021) and director of the "I Get a Kick Out of You" (2021) music video.