TechHaus is the technical division of Haus of Gaga founded in 2012 to create the ARTPOP app. The division second project was the creation of a series of couture technologies to be unveiled throughout the ARTPOP campaign in partnership with Studio XO. As of September 30th, 2015, TechHaus is inactive and probably shut down.
Collaborations with Studio XO
- See the page Studio XO for more details.
Following the presentation of the "Anemone" dress on September 1, 2013, Gaga revealed that it was the first in a series of couture technologies to be released by the TechHaus with Studio XO during the ARTPOP campaign. In the end, three more and final technological garments were shown/worn at the artRave on November 10, 2013.
Collaboration with Relative Wave
- See the ARTPOP app page for more details.
Together with Relative Wave, TechHaus created the mobile app ARTPOP which was released on November 11, 2013. The app was removed from the App Store on September 30, 2015.