
Gaga playing on Nadine at The Monster Ball (Dec 2, 2010).

Nadine is a stage prop in the form of a green car, utilized during Act I of the revamped The Monster Ball tour from 2010 to 2011. The car’s design is reminiscent of a Rolls-Royce Corniche at the front. As per the concert’s scripted narrative, Nadine experiences a breakdown while Lady Gaga and her friends are en route to “The Monster Ball”. The car features an open back, allowing for visibility of Posh, Peppah, and Bang Bang standing within it. This event cues a truncated rendition of “Glitter and Grease”. Subsequently, Gaga opens Nadine’s hood, revealing a Yamaha keyboard, which she uses to perform an extended introduction to “Just Dance”.


Growing up in NYC [New York City] I fell in love with a boy in a [custom] watermelon green [Chevrolet] El Camino "Nadine". We recreated a fantasy version of this car, a car that inspired all the music I wrote on "The Fame" [2008]. As a moment of symbolism, I decided to turn this car into an instrument: a piano. So when "Nadine" breaks down on the way to the Monster Ball, I open her hood to play "Just Dance" and she starts back up again.

—Gaga on iTunes Ping (2010)


  • The original El Camino, “Nadine”, served as the inspiration for the unreleased song “Glitter and Grease”. This song was exclusively performed live during The Monster Ball tour (2010-11).
  • Initially, “Nadine” was slated to appear in the music video for “Telephone” (2010). However, it was ultimately substituted by the “Pussy Wagon”, a vibrant yellow Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck, first featured in Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003).

