
Artwork for the special edition of Born This Way

The Born This Way era as it name imply refer to the album cycle for Born This Way. Although the album was released on May 23 of 2011, Lady Gaga changed her style to reflect the rebirth theme as early as January of 2011. She was seen with prosthetic horns and ridges on her forehead, cheek bones, and shoulders for a month and during the media promo following the debut performance of "Born This Way" at the Grammy Awards. The rebirth theme was replaced with a more Roman Catholic style during the promotion of "Judas" It was then followed by manly Versace archive pieces and many variation of a teal hair around the release of "The Edge of Glory". For "Yoü and I", Gaga returned to long blonde hair. For the final single, "Marry the Night", Gaga used a light mint color for her hair and even clothes. At that time, Gaga made her first appearance in India and recorded her first television special entitled, "A Very Gaga Thanksgiving" which aired on ABC.

The first trimester of 2012 was the longest break took by Gaga since the debut of her career in 2008. Although, she attended various events and launched her foundation with her mother, The Born This Way Foundation. By the end of April, Gaga debuted the Born This Way Ball which will run until 2013.

Recap of 2010

This page is about the Born This Way era. For the more details on 2010, see The Fame Monster era.



Related to this era

  • A list of all the publication released within this period
  • A list of all the acollades received by Gaga within this period
  • A list of recorded interviews within this period
  • A list of photo shoots made within this period
  • A list of performances..