
Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States. It focuses on the high school glee club, New Directions, competing on the show choir competition circuit, while its members deal with relationships, sexuality and social issues.


"Theatricality" is the twentieth episode of the American television series Glee. The episode was written and directed by series creator Ryan Murphy, and premiered on the Fox network on May 25, 2010. Read more

Born This Way

"Born This Way" is the eighteenth episode of the second season of the American television series Glee, and the 40th episode overall. The Lady Gaga-inspired episode was aired on Fox in the United States on April 26, 2011. Read more

A Katy or A Gaga

"A Katy or A Gaga" is the fourth episode of Glee's fifth season and the ninety-second episode overall. It is set to premiere​ on November 7, 2013 following a four-week hiatus. Read more

Cover Song

Song Season/Episode Performer(s)/Note
"Bad Romance" Season One,
New Directions Girls and Kurt Hummel
"Poker Face" Rachel Berry and Shelby Corcoran
"Telephone" Season Two,
Sunshine Corazon and Rachel Berry
"Born This Way" Season Two,
Born This Way
New Directions
"Yoü and I" Season Three,
Mash Off
Shelby Corcoran and Will Schuester.
This is Mashup Eddie Rabbit's Song "You and I".
"The Edge of Glory" Season Three,
The Troubletones as New Directions Girls
"Marry the Night" Season Three,
Rachel Berry.
Cut from episode
"Americano" Season Four,
The New Rachel
Cassandra July with NYADA Students.
This is Mashup Jennifer Lopez's song "Dance Again".
"Applause" Season Five,
A Katy or A Gaga
Sam Evans, Marley Rose, Artie Abrams, Ryder Lynn, and Blaine Anderson
"Marry the Night" Season Five,
A Katy or A Gaga


