
Candids, performances, and appearances[]

5-27-11 Loose Women 002

Ex:5-27-11 Loose Women 002

All candids, performances, and appearances photos of Lady Gaga should be named using a standard pattern of Date, (mm-dd-yy format), Description, and then Number (0XX format). Description is an abstract term, so the parameters of it must be defined. In any and all cases, the simplest phrasing is preferable.

If Lady Gaga is having a party with the Haus of Gaga on a beach in Puerto Rico, just using "Out in Puerto Rico" or "Beach Party" would be acceptable. Of the two, the former is better.

When she performs at an event/show, or has an aired interview, the platform which she performs on should be the description. So, if Lady Gaga performs "Bad Romance" on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the description should just be "The Oprah Winfrey Show".

If Gaga posted new photo on Instagram photo name should be mm-dd-yy Instagram 0XX.


Jean-Charles de Castelbajac Fall Winter 2009 Red Leather Multi Zipper Dress

Ex: Jean-Charles de Castelbajac Fall Winter 2009 Red Leather Multi Zipper Dress

All fashion photos of pieces Lady Gaga has worn should be named using a standard Designer, Collection and Piece Description. Piece description is an abstract term, and for the time being it is allowed to be.


Jean-Charles de Castelbajac

Ex: Jean-Charles de Castelbajac

All logos should just be the name of the brand.


Karl Lagerfeld

Ex: Karl Lagerfeld

Naming photos of people should follow the same formatting as for Logos.

Backstage At Saturday Night Live 001

Ex: Backstage at SNL.

Any event specific photos follow the format of "Candids, performances, and appearances". So if Lady Gaga and Beyoncé meet backstage at Grammys, they should be Date, (mm-dd-yy format), Description, and then Number (0XX format).
