
"Electric Kiss" is an upbeat piano song written and produced by Lady Gaga and performed for Ultraviolet Live, NYU's annual talent show in 2005. She ended up coming in 3rd place, 2nd place was Funky Butter, and 1st place was Tom Costello & Stephan Magloire. She played the song live alongside "Captivated". The song was written particularly for this talent show.


Calendar Globe-green Building Globe-share
Feb 3 Us UltraViolet Live Microphone-icon
Apr 29 Us The PIKE Fraternity Formal Microphone-icon


We are a generation twisted by our myth
Confused and ludicrous
Holding on to love
Consumed by all the pleasures in our midst
A life without the lips
We've kissed and losing all control

We're gonna start a resistance
so we want independence
we're going to give the world some of this

Electric kiss

I'm gonna change the world with my lips
One voice forever
We'll live together
Peace love solitude and happiness

Electric kiss

Fame is our felony
We're so in love with it
Some superstars and masochists
Who don't know where to go

But the poets and the fighters of our time
Put down their weapons in their arms
And know what they must do

Theye're gonna start a resistance
so they want independence
They're going to give the world some of this

Electric kiss

I'm gonna change the world with my lips
One voice forever,
We'll live together
In peace love solitude and happiness

Electric kiss

I'm gonna change the world with my lips
One voice for ever
We'll live together
Peace love solitude and happiness

Electric kiss
