
American Idol is a reality show, created by Simon Fuller, as a spin-off from the British show, Pop Idol. It has made it's mark as being one of the most popular shows in American television history. The current host of the show is Fox.

April 1, 2009[]

Lady Gaga's outfit during this performance is one of her more prominent outfits. Although only worn once, for this occasion, it has been parodied many times. The outfit includes the hair style of that seen in the music video for "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)". Her outfit consists of a couple stars, as well as strands of cloth hanging off to represent that of a shooting star designed by Benjamin Cho. She is also seen sporting a zipper eye patch. Gaga performed "Poker Face", with a blended intro of the acoustic version.

  1. "Poker Face"
Lady Gaga wears a dress by Benjamin Cho and booties by Aldo.

May 5, 2010[]

Lady Gaga made a second appearance on the show. The show was taped on April 28th, exactly one week before the airing of the episode. Her performance was done after the results show, those who stayed after were able to see her performance early.
The crew began working on the stage, bringing in the fire sprouting fountain, resembling that of an angel. Two black spiky trees and several park benches that were made of bloody razor blades were also brought in. Dry ice was used to cover the floor with fog. The entire set up took roughly an hour.
Gaga was seen wearing black leather leaves with a cape and hood, made out of black netting by Giorgio Armani. Her back-up dancers were wearing nothing, but black spandex shorts.

  1. "Bad Romance" (Acoustic Version)
  2. "Alejandro"
Lady Gaga wears a custom outfit by Giorgio Armani and booties by Pleaser.

May 11, 2011[]

Lady Gaga was the mentor on this episode for the final four contestants.[1]

Lady Gaga wears a necklace by Erickson Beamon.

May 25, 2011[]

Lady Gaga performed on the season 10 finale of American Idol. She was booked over three months in advance, the earliest in the show's history. This performance is also Clarence Clemons last performance in public.

  1. "The Edge of Glory"
Lady Gaga wears a custom cape jacket by Perry Meek, a custom headpiece and briefs by L.A. Roxx, a bra by Jean Paul Gaultier customized by L.A. Roxx, boots by Ellie, custom gloves and a bandana by JerMajesty, earrings by Miriam Salat, two necklaces by Chanel, a necklace by Christian Lacroix from Resurrection Vintage, and a belt by Versace.


Filmography and Television appearances
Feature films
Cameo appearance
Documentary films
Variety shows
Talk Series